Alligators are ancient creatures, of the Crocodilian order. There are two living species of Alligator in the world, the American Alligator and the Chinese Alligator. The fossils of several extinct species have been found as well. Their line can be traced back to the Creaceous age (100-65 million years ago).They average between 10 and 12 feet in length but can get to be 15 feet and over though rarely and can weigh up to almost 800 pounds. They eat fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds and small mammals, and are considered Apex Predators: meaning they have no natural enemies, only man. Though the young have several and generally stay in groups called pods for protection. They have a thundering bellow used mostly during breeding season, declaring their territory and attracting a mate.
Alligators construct small ponds known as nesting holes, that retain water during the dry season. These can be an oasis to other animals. They mostly hunt from the water's edge but in very warm weather they will hunt on land up to around 170 feet from the water. This occurs mostly at night. Interestingly they also have been know to eat fruit right off the trees and are known to be cooperative hunters.
An interesting tidbit: Alligators use tools! They have been known to balance sticks and/or branches on the heads to lure birds looking for nesting material.
Spring is mating season and the female lays 20 to 50 eggs in nests. Another interesting fact is air temperature can affect the sex of the eggs. The higher the temperature more will become males, lower temperatures: females. The mother will stay near the heatchlings to protect them for several months.
The American Alligator is much less aggressive than Crocodiles and would normally not attack humans, Unfortunately, as human population grows and encroaches more and more along water edges there are and will be more incidents of attacks.
In Animal Symbolism, the Alligator represents The Keeper and Protector of all knowledge, Ancient Wisdom, Creation, Bravery, Primal, Resilience, Strength, Survival.

An interesting tidbit: Alligators use tools! They have been known to balance sticks and/or branches on the heads to lure birds looking for nesting material.
Spring is mating season and the female lays 20 to 50 eggs in nests. Another interesting fact is air temperature can affect the sex of the eggs. The higher the temperature more will become males, lower temperatures: females. The mother will stay near the heatchlings to protect them for several months.

In Animal Symbolism, the Alligator represents The Keeper and Protector of all knowledge, Ancient Wisdom, Creation, Bravery, Primal, Resilience, Strength, Survival.
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