Saturday, November 21, 2020

Day Of The Labyrinth

 November 21, 2020

  What a fun day! First off after a good two weeks of cloudy, drizzly to down right rainy days without hardly a glimpse of the sun, Today was beautiful. Sunshine, low 50s, perfect November day. We had no choice, we had to get out and about. I remembered reading about a local church that had a labyrinth behind it so hey now there's a plan. We looked it up and headed out. It was at the Silverdale Lutheran Church only about 5 mile or so from us. Had a bit of a let down when we got there as the parking lot was chained off. Hmm, well, that's rather unfriendly, but hey, not going stop us. We decided to park at the mini market across the street and found ourselves walking around the church to the maze. Funny, cause we both said at the same time would be our luck to get caught trespassing at a church LOL. Found the labyrinth and I did a contemplative walk. There is something calming and centering about doing a labyrinth.

Well, After doing this I had the thought, hmm, maybe there are others in the area. So I did some googling. Did you know there is a organization called The Labyrinth Society and it's worldwide, Wow, that's cool. Checking around there I found out there are at least 180 in the state of Washington! Amazing. Bringing that closer to home, there are at least 9 in Kitsap County. Now I'm excited!
Looking at the different ones listed, we decided to check out Halls Hill Labyrinth on Bainbridge Island. We were not disappointed. Met Paul's cousin Sheryl there and had a fun afternoon walking the maze, the park, discovering this and that here and there.  The labyrinth here is beauitful, and yes, the energies while walking it well, I tingled. The stones inlayed with shells, agates and other whatnots. I wish I had had taken close ups of the intricacy of the designs. Guess there a reason to go back!  I was just so enthralled by it all. 

The same artist, Tom Jay, who designed and built the labyrinth also created this bronze prayer wheel. It spins and when you spin it nine times around repeating your prayer out loud or silently a bell rings sending the prayer out into the universe. Of course, we just had to and what a feeling when the bell rang. Couldn't help but giggle a bit. 

We also discovered a couple of other fun things as we walked about. All and all, a perfect day and I look forward to go back there as well as discovering some of the other labyrinths in the area. 

What a cool looking mushroom

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