Tuesday, February 18, 2020

John Prince Park & Campground, Lake Worth, Florida

John Prince Campground , Lake Worth, Florida
written by Paul

Our recent unplanned visit to John Prince park campground in Lake
Worth, Florida was a pleasant surprise. We spent the week of February
Our poor rig all torn apart!!
20-26 there while waiting to get our RV serviced in nearby West Palm

Beach. The sites were roomy and had all the necessary hookups. 

As usual, the park staff was both friendly and helpful during our stay. Because of the day to day planning for the service we needed, our site had to change several times and this was done easily and with a smile by the office. We also had a beautiful lakeside view while there. 

There were several nature trails to use for hiking and paved roadways that we used for biking many times. Despite being located in a busy urban area, the campground was quiet and very easy to navigate without worrying about the traffic. The trails could be used without having to cross busy roads. John Prince Park (named after a local who
was influential in starting it up in 1950) was well maintained and clean.
Wood Stork and White Ibis

But, as usual, our favorite part here was the wildlife. Everywhere we went there were birds. And more birds. There were many pelicans, ibis, egrets and various herons. But a special treat was the great horned owl which we saw up close several times and actually flew low directly over our campsite one night. There were alligators in the area but not that we could find. 
Yep an iguana with a mohawk LOL

One of the more interesting animals we found was the iguana. They could be found everywhere, especially when the days got hot. We were told stories of how they fall out of the trees when the weather gets cold because their metabolism slows so much.

We also discovered Apple Snails, The shore the area abounded with them, both native and an invasive species. Seems something in the area likes them a lot as most of what we found were the empty shells.

This campground provided a nice stop during our unsettled time and we enjoyed it greatly. 


Crazy duck with a laugh that sounded like the Raceway Park laugh

Anhinga drying his wings

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