Where are we? How are we? What are we doing now? These are the questions we have been asked by many and I thank you all for wondering and being concerned.
First and fore most: We are well, just adjusting to our new life adventure. Where are we? We are in the state of Washington. What are we doing now? Well that's an interesting question, so let me back up a bit.
I have been trying to get a post up for many weeks now but each time I sit down to write one up, I just go blank. Well, not really go blank, I just have had a lot of trouble trying to write honestly without so much of the emotion that I was feeling. It's has been such a trying time for all and while maybe in some ways not as hard for us as for others it was difficult, so much of the time just trying to stay above my emotions. We got to Texas and almost immediately went into lockdown mode for 46 days. Thank goodness we are self-container, we did not have to use the public facilities and all amenities at the campground were closed. We never left the campground accept twice in that period to go grocery shopping. We didn't know one day to the next whether or not we were going to be able to stay there, as so many states were closing not only public campgrounds but private ones also. We were so very fortunate in where we were. It was a beautiful location right on Lake Tawakoni, Texas. Lots of room to walk, ride our bikes, or just sit and be. The staff was great, trying hard to accommodate everyone and the other campers respected the new rules of social distancing.
But it was still so hard. We were in the middle of nowhere, not knowing where we could go next, with all those so very important to us in places getting the hardest hit by COVID19. We could do nothing for them. We worried and still worry as it is not over. My children lost their father (my first husband) during this time and we could not gather together. One in NJ, one in Washington, and me in Texas. How my heart broke for them and for so many others that also of lost someone during this crisis. We all know there will be no going back to what was, that no longer exist, instead we can only hope to see things ease up and find a new normal. During this time, the Navy decided to send my son-in-law's ship out earlier then expected so there was my daughter trying to take care of their three emotional charged, highly energetic sons, all alone as there to no one could gather together.
It was for this final reason we made a life changing decision. As so as things opened up that crack, we high tailed it out of Texas and bee-lined for Washington. We stopped only to sleep at what campground we could find open, and get gas. Kept safely to ourselves, again being thankful we were self-contained.
The areas we past though were filled with beauty and I long for the day I can go back through those states to explore them more thoroughly. We did no touristy things as nothing was open, no state or national parks, no museums, no restaurant, the world was a ghost town. Yes, I will admit, each time we passed a place we were to visit but now our reservations to had been canceled, I shed a tear. The many natural wonders we had set out to see, we no longer could. With hope, in the future, for the present, no.
As we traveled, we had to make plans. You see, we have decided to come off the road for the present. We are going to be staying near our daughter and grandchildren while Kevin is deployed. We found an apartment near them and accepted it sight unseen. We found a campground to store the RV and yet use it from time to time. We have had to order furnishing also sight unseen, online as no stores are open. It has been an interesting experience. But I cannot begin to tell you how absolutely wonderful it is to be able to wrap my arms around Sara and those three amazing boys of hers. Worth it, oh indeed.
So this answers all those questions asked earlier, We are Well, We are in Bremerton, Washington, We are adjusting to apartment life. The most important of those are WE ARE WELL!
We will continue to go out and explore with the RV from time to time. Even getting to take one or two or all the boys with us when possible. This is a big beautiful state and we looking forward to learning about our new home. I will be posting here from time to time talking about what we are doing and when we go exploring. I will be going back in time once in a while to post some of the beautiful photos I took along the way. Thank you all for following along and I hope you stay tuned for whatever comes next it this crazy life of ours.
Oh on a fun note, We have taking a plot in a community garden! Now there's a fun adventure in itself.
Love you all
Be Safe Be Well