Saturday was quite the productive day, We sorted and boxed up everything we will be selling at the CVA Flea Market next Saturday. We have six or seven bins of goods as well as several bigger items hopefully finding new homes. With all the twisting, lugging, bending, stretching, lifting I did, my body got quite the workout! Two things accomplished at the same time, Now That's Productive! If anyone is interested the Flea Market is Saturday, April 13 from 9 - 3, at the CVA Clubhouse, 33 Galewood Drive, Cheesequake Village. Stop by and say hi.
Sunday found us at the Hunterdon Land Trust Farmers Market.. Wound up there to meet Phil as he picked up some plants from ToadShade Wildflower Farm. The farm is located in Frenchtown and all their plants are native to the area. What a great service. There were several other vendors including Pickle Licious of Teaneck. They had lots of samples of their wares and were they good! Next time we go we will remember to bring a cooler! There was bread, cheeses, meats, fresh produce, honey and much more. We could have had a lunch feast right there!
There is a walking trail behind the farm, so of course, that's what we had to do. Fun trail through woodlands, swamplands, meadow and marsh. Lots of bird life, fish in the brook, and early spring flowers. Several families with young children were playing in the shallows trying to catch a frog or two. Love to see that. Always feels good to get out and hike.
The Land Trust is located on the Historic Dvoor Farm, 111 Mine Street, Flemington. This 40 acre site is listed on State and National Registers of Historic Places. Having barns from the 19th century and a 1798 stone farmhouse makes it a interesting place to stop to see, with the Farmer's Market it becomes a destination.
Following the market was a lunch at Cracker Barrel, then helping Phil plant his plants. Any day spent with him is a special day for me and with the weather what it was, just perfect.
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One has to cross a bridge when you see one! |
First was a trip to Trenton to gather information about applying for retirement and pension benefits. Lots of good information, even if I do dislike going into Trenton. Paul drove in with me which made it a lot easier, one of the perks of him being retired! Looks like I am all set to pick a date, submit my application and letter of retirement. Rather exciting.
Right outside Trenton is an area called Duck Island. I have seen the sign for it since, gee, who knows and have wanted to check it out. The day was lovely and we had no set plans so decided what the heck, let's go. I knew there was suppose to be a walking trail somewhere, so off we went. Well certainly didn't turn out to be the experience we were expecting. The road (yes, only one) wound around several factories, warehouses and the like, not the sort of area we thought it would be. Several No Outlet signs had us second guessing whether or not to continue but onward we went.till we got to the end of the road which dumps one into a parking lot. And when I say dumps I rather mean it. Quite obviously this is an area that doesn't see much, umm, tending to. We saw a trail sign toward the end of the lot and hesitantly got out and headed over to it. The trail itself looked at first inviting as it followed along the waterway with wooded area to the other side. BUT, as we got closer Oh MY. There on the ground was the carcass of a canine looking animal. Couldn't tell much from the neck down as all that was left was bone,but the head, well, could have been a hybrid. Without getting to close, it looked like across between Shepard, wolf and coyote. Man did that give us pause. Talked about Odd feelings. Okay so this is starting to feel right out of the movie Deliverance. Any moment the Banjos were going to start. Needless to say we decided no, not going down that trail. So anyway, I can now say I have been to Duck Island and tain't going back!
We then headed to DMV. We recently paid off both cars and were going to see about getting clean titles. WOW, what a nice surprise when the woman there told us she would take the lien holders out of the computer but we didn't need a new physical title. That just saved us $60 a piece! NICE!
Was such a beautiful day and having done what we wanted to accomplish, we decided to head over to Sandy Hook Lighthouse. I have found it quite ironic that having seen and climbed so many lighthouses both here in New Jersey as well as many other places, the one I had never been up was the one in my own backyard. Every time I have been there, the lighthouse was closed, private tour being held, closed for renovations, etc. Well, today was the day, Finally I got to go up. Loved it!
For those who don't know, the Sandy Hook Lighthouse house is located, well, at Sandy Hook, Gateway National Recreation Area. I shall write a bit about it another time, I'm rather done for today.
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A wonderful abundance of what looks like small Yellow Water Lillies! |